Republican Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump today called for the dismantling of The Statue of Liberty which has stood in New York harbor for over 100 years. "If we're not going to be letting in immigrants why should we have this big symbol welcoming them in?" Mr. Trump tweeted last night. He also said that since most immigrants come from over the border with Mexico then the statue has outlived her usefulness. "Can you imagine all the jobs we could create if we developed that property?" said the real estate mogul, adding, "I have just the man for the job," before saying that property on islands in New York harbor are very valuable and could be put to better use than showing off some old statue that comes from France a country that encourages immigrant terrorists to live there. Trump also said that we could save a lot of money minting pennies using copper melted down from the old statue, provided of course we don't mind having a big batch of green pennies in circulation. So far there has been no comment from Hillary Clinton.
I'd only add that all those pennies can be used to pay the workers whose manufacturing jobs Trump will bring back.
Republican Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump today called for the dismantling of The Statue of Liberty which has stood in New York harbor for over 100 years. "If we're not going to be letting in immigrants why should we have this big symbol welcoming them in?" Mr. Trump tweeted last night. He also said that since most immigrants come from over the border with Mexico then the statue has outlived her usefulness. "Can you imagine all the jobs we could create if we developed that property?" said the real estate mogul, adding, "I have just the man for the job," before saying that property on islands in New York harbor are very valuable and could be put to better use than showing off some old statue that comes from France a country that encourages immigrant terrorists to live there. Trump also said that we could save a lot of money minting pennies using copper melted down from the old statue, provided of course we don't mind having a big batch of green pennies in circulation. So far there has been no comment from Hillary Clinton.
I'd only add that all those pennies can be used to pay the workers whose manufacturing jobs Trump will bring back.